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May 25, 2021

From the board table


From discussions on pending sales and showing-service solutions to the 2022 budget process, there was no shortage of action at CREB®’s board of directors meeting on April 28.

Board meeting highlights

Here are some highlights from the Board of Directors Meeting Report – April 28, 2021:

  • AREA’s Change Management Group (CMG) met on April 20 to further discuss pending sale reporting and its impacts to members across the province. CREB® lobbied for the CMG to engage the membership on this topic and AREA has commenced work with Insightrix to build a survey for collecting member input.
  • The board has determined the 2022 budget will include changes, such as the listing fee retirement at the end of 2021.
  • Pillar 9™ is targeting the end of May to identify the ideal showing-service solution.
  • The temporary ban on in-person open houses is still in effect, showings are by appointment only and we will continue to monitor these activities and communicate updates.
  • CREB® has been carefully planning our re-entry strategy. Our roadmap closely aligns with the Government of Alberta's staged approach to re-opening and allows us to respond and adapt to changing government restrictions and recommendations. Delivering the best possible service without compromising the safety and well-being of our staff and members continues to guide our next steps.

Click here to read the full meeting report.

About CREB® BOD meeting reports

In February 2020, the board of directors began discussions on how to best communicate topics being covered at the board table.

After a detailed review, the Governance Standing Committee made a recommendation to amend the CREB® Governance Manual Policy 2.1.6 Board Meeting Policy to require the posting of a board meeting report. Now, following each board meeting, a meeting report will be shared with members that summarizes what was discussed.

Click here to view the Board of Directors Meeting Reports page on CREB®Link. 

Click here to view the 2018-2022 Strategic Plan.


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