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dues and fees

May 25, 2021

Listing fee retirement


After thorough consideration, particularly around timing, CREB®’s board of directors has decided to move towards retiring CREB®’s Listing Fee. To align with our yearly budgeting process, this change will take effect Jan. 1, 2022, and a new membership dues and fees structure will be introduced.

Our goal

Our goal is to simplify CREB® member dues and fees. We will do this with a structure that provides cost certainty for members and reflects the funding necessary to deliver the programs, services and support provided through your CREB® membership.

In the One Alberta Membership Survey earlier this year, members clearly indicated the cost of membership and the quality of services provided are both equally important. We are confident this change will benefit our members and our organization by creating a simplified dues and fees structure that supports our mandate to maintain a balanced budget.

Our timing

Our timing for change aligns with the 2022 budgeting cycle, gives members advance notification of coming changes and reflects the post-migration world of the Pillar 9™ MLS® System.

Over the coming months, as part of our budget process, a deep analysis and comparison of different options for our new membership dues and fees structure will be completed. Final approval of the new dues structure will take place before Dec. 1, 2021, and members will be notified of any changes prior to this date, as per CREB® Bylaws

Our products and services

CREB® membership gives you access to a variety of products, programs and services to support your real estate career and business.

Currently, the listing fee funds essential services and supports that CREB® provides to its members. After the listing fee is retired, these service and support offerings will still need to be funded. This means the loss of the listing fee revenue will be recovered in other areas (through dues or fees).

Some members have asked for greater detail in what their dues and fees fund, so we have created a comprehensive list of current CREB® products, services and supports funded through member dues and fees. To view our current product and service inventory, click here.

Our next steps

You may be wondering what the simplified dues and fees structure will look like. That is a great question we are currently working to answer.

Please take this time to share your thoughts on the listing fee retirement and the importance of the products, services and support CREB® provides to you. We welcome productive member feedback in the comments section of this article on CREB®Link.

For more information, updates and FAQs on the retirement of the listing fee and introduction of our new dues and fees structure in 2022, please visit the CREB® membership dues and fees hub on CREB®Link. Rest assured, we will provide members with updates on our progress as new information becomes available.

This is a private CREB® member area. This publication and all editorial content, including the CREB®Chat column, is intended for member use only.

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