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COVID-19 bulletin

May 18, 2021

May 18 update

This week’s bulletin includes a reminder about relaxed showing rules.

Reminder: Showing Rules Relaxation

CREB® Rule Part III 2.03(b) requires properties to be available for showings within 24 hours of a request.

However, for safety reasons, sellers have the option to decline showings due to COVID-19 concerns and have their listing remain active on the MLS® System.

If you have an active listing that is not available to show due to COVID-19 concerns and the sellers have provided written instructions to decline showings, it is the listing agent’s responsibility to include the disclosure, “seller not accepting showings due to COVID-19 concerns”  in the remarks in order for the listing to be considered in compliance with the temporary rule relaxation.

To avoid confusion around showing availability, please ensure remarks regarding showings are consistent throughout the listing.

For example, if the private remarks field says, “no showings due to COVID-19 concerns,” but the showing instruction field says, “easy to show,” “short-notice showings OK,” or “24-hour notice required,” this information is contradictory.

We encourage you to proactively check your listings for disclosure requirements, as CREB® Member Practice continues to review listings for consistency and compliance.

For more information, please contact Member Practice at

Did you know?

In line with the Government of Alberta’s mandatory restrictions, all exterior doors to the CREB® building remain locked. CREB® members may continue to access the Member Services Centre by appointment.   

To learn more or book an appointment, please call 403-781-5454. 

Vaccine eligibility 

All Albertans 12 years of age or older can now book a COVID-19 vaccine appointment through Alberta Health Services or participating pharmacies. 

Click here for more information on booking a vaccination appointment. 

CREB® is closely monitoring news regarding COVID-19 and is committed to providing our members with the most up-to-date and relevant information. 

To access additional information and resources for REALTORS®, please visit the COVID-19 hub on CREB®Link.


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