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Nov 9, 2021

Become a negotiation expert


Sharpen your skills and become an expert negotiator through an advanced course from the Real Estate Institute of Canada (REIC).

CREB® has partnered with REIC to offer a Real Estate Negotiation Expert course to our members. The two-day course (Day One – The Power Negotiator’s Playbook and Day Two – Advanced Field Negotiations) will be held online via Zoom on Nov. 29 – 30 from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Completing the course is the first step towards earning your Real Estate Negotiation Expert Certification through the Real Estate Business Institute.

This course can also be applied as an elective for The National Association of Realtors® (NAR) ABR®, CRB and SRS designations.

The course examines all types of negotiation formats and methods and offers a full spectrum of tips, tools and techniques to help you provide effective results to your clients. There will also be an emphasis on real-world field scenarios to give negotiators the chance to practice using the tactics they have learned.

During the course, you will learn how to:

  • Craft a plan/strategy for any negotiation
  • Recognize patterns and tactics being utilized
  • Adjust your communication style to achieve optimum results with any party in the transaction
  • Successfully apply the principles of persuasion to any negotiation situation
  • Effectively negotiate face-to-face, on the phone or through email and other media

The registration cost for CREB® members is $299 plus tax.

For more information and to register, click here.


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