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Nov 23, 2021

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Haven't registered for CREB®’s 2022 Forecast yet? There's still time to get your early bird tickets for $139 until Friday, Nov. 26!

Meet your 2022 speakers

Our lineup features seven thought-provoking speakers who will provide you with the personal and professional insight you need to stay competitive. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn new strategies, up your sales game and deliver results.

ann-marie lurie

Ann-Marie Lurie

Hear from CREB®'s Chief Economist Ann-Marie Lurie about unique market insights for 2022, including the key economic factors influencing the housing market, a breakdown of the overall trends in the local economy, insights into all the housing segments and what's next for Calgary's real estate market.

riaz meghji

Riaz Meghji

How do we build authentic relationships? What are the most powerful questions we can ask? Join broadcaster, author and keynote speaker Riaz Meghji to explore the ways your conversations can build extraordinary relationships that earn new business.



Fotini Iconomopoulos

Cialdini's principles of persuasion tell us that likeability is important; but how can you be likeable in negotiation without giving away the farm?Communicator, university instructor and negotiator Fotini Iconomopoulos will walk you through how to use the science behind the principles of persuasion to get what you want.

leanne calderwood


Leanne Calderwood

Your personal brand is a way to build trust with your clients. Learn from certified meeting professional Leanne Calderwood and get clear direction on how to start using your brand as a powerful sales tool that can lead to more business and opportunities.



Harnarayan Singh

Join Hockey Night in Canada's Harnarayan Singh as he explains why incorporating diversity, equity and inclusion into a business's DNA is the only way forward. Through his memorable stories, he'll help guide you through challenging and emotional conversations that are necessary for organizations to progress in equitable ways.

Dr Shahana Alibhai


Dr. Shahana Alibhai

Mental health can be hard to talk about. Through her own vulnerabilities, family physician and mental health expert Dr. Shahana Alibhai creates an open and comfortable space to talk about how you can achieve optimal well-being. You'll gain tangible tools and actionable steps that you can start implementing right away.

jennifer baroll


Jennifer Barroll

Countless studies have shown how effective a strengths-focused approach to communication, productivity and personal development can be. Entertainer and communicator Jennifer Barroll will explain the foundational principles that guide this approach and how you can use it in all areas of your life, including business communication, sales, relationships and even parenting!



CREB® 2022 Forecast

Date: Tuesday, Jan. 25, 2022

Location: Telus Convention Centre or online via Chime Live

For a detailed list of ticket types, click here.

For more event details, visit or contact


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Do you know any local charities or non-profits who can benefit from the $590,000 in grants that the CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation is awarding this year?

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