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Strategic Plan Contest Week 5

Nov 30, 2021

Last chance to win your way in


You could win tickets to CREB®’s 2022 Forecast by checking out CREB®’s 2022-2025 Strategic Plan!

Celebrate the unveiling of our new strategic plan by participating in our member contest. We have five Forecast tickets up for grabs, so be sure to read CREB®Talk each week in November for your chance to win!

Contest Details:

  1. Read our strategic plan contest article each Tuesday in November to view a new question about our five strategic priorities – members, stakeholders, financial, process and people.
  2. Find the answer, located in CREB®’s 2022-2025 Strategic Plan.
  3. Submit your response, along with your name and contact information (link provided below in the weekly question section) by the following Monday at 11 p.m. MST to qualify.


Each week, a name from the previous week’s entries will be drawn at random and the winner will receive a FREE ticket to CREB®’s 2022 Forecast (option to attend in-person or online). The winner will be contacted individually, and their name will be announced in CREB®Talk.

The winner will be contacted individually, and their name will be announced in CREB®Talk.

Week five question:

Which one of the five strategic priorities states, “Our members and their success guide every decision we make. Providing them with the best resources to deliver exceptional value to real estate consumers is essential.”

Find the answer in CREB®’s 2022-2025 Strategic Plan.

Submit your answer here.

Please note: Only one entry per person per question. Each contestant is eligible for a new entry each week but cannot win more than once. All entries must be submitted by the following Monday at 11 p.m. MST to qualify.

Previous winners:

Kelly Phillips – week one
Kelly Macdonald – week two
Jaspreet Johal – week three
Daleep Shekhawat – week four 
Surya Adhikari - week five*

* please note this article has been updated with the final winner.

To learn more about the 2022-2025 Strategic Plan, check out our FAQ or access additional information on CREB®Link.


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Do you know any local charities or non-profits who can benefit from the $590,000 in grants that the CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation is awarding this year?

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