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Nov 23, 2021

Radon and real estate


November is National Radon Action Month, so Great West Radon Ltd. joined CREB® to discuss risks, detection and mitigation systems.

Click here to watch the recorded webinar or read on for our high-level takeaways.

Radon in homes 
Almost all homes have some radon gas in them. One in eight Alberta homes test over Health Canada’s maximum acceptable limit.

Health effects
Breathing in radon damages your DNA, which can lead to lung cancer. Children and teens are particularly at risk. 

Information for homeowners
Clients planning to sell their home in the next couple of years may consider radon testing and any necessary mitigation as a selling feature. Here’s some information on testing you can provide to your clients: 

  • Homes built in the past 25 years may contain over 30 per cent more radon than older properties.
  • Major changes to a home, such as renovations, can change radon readings. It may not be necessary or relevant to conduct a test if a property is purchased with plans for a major renovation or a tear down.
  • Changes to building codes in 2015 made it mandatory for new buildings to have a roughed in radon mitigation option.
  • Radon levels are easy to test for and properties with high levels can be mitigated down to safe levels by professionals.

Radon testing

  • A proper radon test takes 90 days and should be conducted between October and April.
  • After major renovations or a new build, homeowners should wait two years before testing.
  • Rural properties could have possible radon contamination in water wells.
  • It is now mandatory under Alberta law for new landlords to complete radon testing on their properties. 

For more information, check out these additional resources:

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