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BOD Meeting Report

Nov 9, 2021

Update from the BOD


From the approval of the 2022 Operating and Capital Budget to discussions about CREB®’s political action initiatives, there was no shortage of action at CREB®’s board of directors meeting on Oct. 20.

Board meeting highlights

Here are some highlights from the Board of Directors Meeting Report – Oct. 20, 2021:

  • Change Management Group (CMG) continues to discuss conditionally sold properties and their impact on members and sellers. The work group has made progress, however, there are still some details that require further discussion, including additional member engagement.
  • CREB®’s Political Action Committee has been reaching out to federal, provincial and municipal elected officials to deepen relationships and reinforce that the real estate industry is a key driver of the economy.
  • The 2022 Operating & Capital Budget was presented to the Audit, Finance & Risk Standing Committee (AFRSC) on Oct 5. It was subsequently recommended to the board of directors and received unanimous approval. The 2022 budget will see the listing fee retired. Remaining fees and dues will be held at their current rates for 2022 while the board of directors advances the One Alberta Membership strategic priority. Reducing costs to members with no offsetting reduction in programming or rebalancing of fees and dues required the approval of a deficit budget, which will be funded by a drawdown of our reserves. As usual, in December, the budget will be posted for member review here.

Click here to read the full Board of Directors Meeting Report from Oct. 20, 2021.

About CREB® BOD meeting reports

In February 2020, the board of directors began generative discussions on how to best communicate topics being covered at the board table.

After a detailed review, the Governance Standing Committee made a recommendation to amend the CREB® Governance Manual Policy 2.1.6 Board Meeting Policy to require the posting of a board meeting report. Now, following each board meeting, a meeting report will be shared with members that summarizes what was discussed. 

Click here to view the 2018-2022 Strategic Plan.


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