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CT SentriKey ShowingService Oct 21

Nov 30, 2021

Your SentriKey questions answered


We have received a lot of insightful member feedback since the launch of the SentriKey Showing Service®.

We hear you and are committed to doing everything we can to advocate on your behalf and resolve your concerns with the SentriKey Showing Service® tool.

Pillar 9™ has championed our request to have ShowingTime™ extended. We are pleased to share that full access to ShowingTime™ will be available until Dec. 31, 2021. 

When two services overlap, it can create confusion. We want to balance that impact and ensure your needs are met while feedback on the SentriKey Showing Service® tool is actioned. Our goal continues to be a full move to the SentriKey Showing Service®.

The unexpected acquisition of Showing Time™ was a material change in our relationship that profoundly altered our partnership with them. Consequently, in collaboration with Pillar 9™, the decision was made to end our partnership with ShowingTime™. 

ShowingTime™ is an established product with attractive features. Through our various communications to members on the search for a replacement tool, we shared our goal was to identify a solution that creates the most seamless transition for members, and provides the best data security features and overall value.  

The SentriKey Showing Service® solution is not as mature. As a new product, their development team worked to ensure all the billed features were available for our launch, but they were not. 

CREB® is actively passing along member feedback to SentriLock through our technology partner Pillar 9™, who is working with the highest levels at SentriKey to resolve issues and set realistic expectations on the delivery of outstanding features. 

As with any other new product launch, we will not stop working to improve this tool, so keep your suggestions coming and we will pass them along to SentriLock through Pillar 9™.

If you have not yet attended training, we encourage you to do so. Training is available every Tuesday and Thursday in the morning and afternoon

Please view our member question feed for answers to the top questions we have received. For more information and detailed “how-to's,” please visit the SentriKey FAQ page on CREB®Link. 

We’re here to help! Please reach out to the CREB® Help Desk at 403-781-1379 or, or the Pillar 9™ Help Desk at 1-866-377-8217 or

You can also reach out to SentriLock’s Support Team at 1-877-556-6114 or


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