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Oct 12, 2021

An enhanced member experience


Exciting updates are coming soon to enhance your CREB® member experience.  

To improve integration, streamline our overall approach to marketing products and services, and serve you better, refinements are being made to some of CREB®'s traditional offerings, including feature sheets, featured listings and the CREB®Now blog. 

The following changes will come into effect this Thursday, Oct. 14: 

CREB®Now blog (
CREB®Now is moving to a new home at The blog will be found under the "news centre" tab and will also be visible on the right side of the green navigation bar. This move will streamline CREB®'s online real estate resources for buyers and sellers, creating an enhanced user experience for our readers.

Featured listings
CREB®'s featured listings will also be moving to, so you can continue to showcase your latest listings in a high-profile location. There will be no change to the purchase experience in the MLS® System for members. More information on featured listings will be outlined in detail on the new Marketing Toolbox page on CREB®Link (coming Oct. 14). 

Feature sheets
Easy-to-use feature sheet templates will be available to CREB® members for free download. The templates will allow you to upload your own photos and input your property details with the click of a button. Members will be able to access these templates through CREB®'s new Marketing Toolbox on CREB®Link (coming Oct. 14).  

We're always looking for new ways to better serve our members. These changes will allow us to do just that, and we couldn't be more excited! 

Keep your eyes open for links to access these new tools next week. 

If you have questions about any of these changes, please reference our FAQ or contact CREB® Member Services Centre at 403-781-5454. 


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Do you know any local charities or non-profits who can benefit from the $590,000 in grants that the CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation is awarding this year?

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