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Sentrilock banner July 2021

Oct 5, 2021

Who is in the house?

Taking appropriate precautions to protect sellers’ homes is a necessity in this industry. 

We know our members are aware they must have control of their properties during showings and it’s equally important for listing agents to know who is entering those properties.

Agents can provide one-day codes to lockboxes, but this means they must be vigilant about who is accessing that property using the code and why it’s being requested. This is especially important because the real estate industry is being targeted and incorporated into scams.

Although SentriLock has the capability to give access to a property using a one-day code, members still need to be diligent about vetting anyone they are allowing into properties who isn’t using the SentriLock App or SentriKey. In an earlier CREB® talk article we discouraged the practice of giving buyers direct access to a property so they can show themselves around without a REALTOR® present.

Additionally, members should remember that they cannot share their SentriLock credentials or devices with anyone else for any reason. If members get requests for one-day codes, we encourage them to better understand why, ensure they know who will be accessing the property and refamiliarize themselves with the rules and regulations within the CREB® Rules and the Real Estate Act, which outlines member responsibilities. It may also be prudent to review your brokerage’s policies around the use of one-day codes.

For more information, please contact the Member Practice team at or 403-781-1336.



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