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Oct 5, 2021

We're buzzing with excitement!


The Board of Directors is thrilled to announce the approval of CREB®’s 2022-2025 Strategic Plan.

Like a honeycomb, our new strategic plan provides our diverse member community with a solid, interconnected framework that defines our priorities and guides our decisions over the next four years.

Our modernized mission, vision and values offer clarity around our direction as an organization:

Mission: Empowering a diverse community of CREB® REALTORS® to deliver exceptional value to real estate consumers.

Vision: CREB® REALTORS® are integral to our diverse and vibrant communities.

Values: CREB®’s fundamental principles and beliefs that guide our actions and decision making.

  • Integrity - transparency, accountability, trust and commitment.
  • Inclusion - diversity and equity.
  • Collaboration - openness and co-operation.
  • Wellness - physical, mental and community well-being.

CREB®’s Board of Directors established a few, carefully chosen priorities that will guide decision‐making and investments over 2022-2025. There is much more to come on those strategic priorities and objectives.

Click here for a sneak peek of what we have in store.

The 2022-2025 Strategic Plan will take effect on Jan. 1, 2022. Its creation was a collaborative effort that included input from members, staff, the leadership team and the wider industry, and we can’t wait to share it with you in its entirety.

Stay tuned for more details!


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