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COVID-19 bulletin

Sep 21, 2021

Navigating new COVID-19 restrictions


Yesterday (Sept. 20), new rules and restrictions from the Government of Alberta came into effect for businesses, entities and events with the aim of reducing the impact of COVID-19 on the health care system.

Although some businesses can participate in the Restrictions Exemption Program, according to the lists of in-scope and out-of-scope operators on the Government of Alberta’s COVID-19 public health actions webpage, CREB®’s business operations and services are deemed out-of-scope. As such, we are not eligible to participate in the Restrictions Exemption Program.

Please read the information provided below on how these new restrictions affect open houses and showings and how CREB® is supporting members, while complying with all public health restrictions.

Open houses and showings

Currently, in-person showings and open houses can continue, and there are currently no limitations to the number of people permitted at showings or open houses (unless you have obtained alternative instructions from your seller that states otherwise). 

Please note, it is important to have conversations with your clients to develop a strategy that suits their needs during COVID-19. Optional COVID-19 forms and guides are available to members through CREB®Link to help navigate conversations with, and collect information from, your clients. 


CREB® encourages members who have not been vaccinated for COVID-19 to embrace the recommendations of our federal government, provincial government and the Canadian Real Estate Association to become fully vaccinated unless there are medical or religious reasons that prevent you from doing so.

Currently, we have not added a vaccine question to our optional COVID-19 disclosure forms and we would discourage brokerages from adding it to their documents for the following reasons:

  • Federal and provincial governments have not mandated COVID-19 vaccines. 
  • There may be valid reasons (e.g., health, religious, etc.) for someone to not receive the vaccine, making the situation more delicate.
  • Vaccine details are considered medical information that an individual does not legally have to disclose.

Sellers can ask vaccination-related questions to those wishing to enter their property and buyers can decline to provide any health-related information they are not comfortable disclosing. If the seller is not comfortable with the buyer’s answers, they can instruct their REALTOR® to decline the showing due to COVID-19-related concerns.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, it has been at the seller’s discretion to accept or decline showings based on COVID-19 concerns. The introduction of COVID-19 vaccinations contributes to Albertans’ sense of safety and, as such, consumers can instruct their REALTOR® to request vaccination information and accept or decline showing requests based on the information they receive.

If cases arise that prevent a seller from approving an in-person showing due to their COVID-19 concerns, members should work together to find other ways for buyers to view properties, such as virtual showings or online open houses. The showing rule relaxation remains in place to support listings remaining active on the MLS® System even if unavailable to show due to seller COVID-19 concerns.

We discourage REALTORS® and brokerages from creating any business practice that prohibits in-person showings to consumers who are not fully vaccinated. There are anti-competitive concerns as well as potential issues around privacy and human rights that may create liability and risk.

Other tips to consider

Keep these additional tips in mind when working with clients:

  • Stay home when feeling unwell.
  • Only meet in person when necessary.
  • When possible, avoid driving clients in the same vehicle. If travelling together, wear masks.
  • Use electronic signatures.
  • Pay deposits using electronic funds transfers.

We are all navigating these changes as best as possible. Please remember to remain professional and understanding with clients, industry colleagues and other consumers during these times. Kindness and patience are appreciated.

Member support at CREB®

The front doors of CREB® will remain open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., with the following restrictions in place:

  • Facemasks - We will continue with the mandatory masking requirements that were implemented on Sept. 3.
  • Physical distancing - When in the CREB® building, a two-metre physical distance is mandatory.
  • Symptom monitoring - Individuals who have COVID-19 symptoms are asked to stay home and are encouraged to take the online assessment to arrange testing. Please do not to come to CREB®. Instead, contact the Member Services Centre at 403-781-5454 or and they can guide you in the right direction.

Members are encouraged to use online, phone and email options to receive support:

  • Monthly accounts can be paid on the Statement and Payment section of CREB®Link.
  • REALTOR® Store purchases (including lockboxes) can be made online and collected at CREB®’s Member Services Centre, CREB®’ curbside pickup, or delivered to your home or office (restrictions and courier fees may apply) through our online REALTOR® Store.
  • Help Desk can provide lockbox troubleshooting and support via phone or email.
  • Lockbox malfunction or battery requirements will still be serviced in person at CREB®.

CREB® Member Training and Events

In-person classes and events will either be postponed or shifted to virtual delivery.

All members impacted by these changes will be contacted directly by CREB® staff over the coming days.

CREB® Member Practice

All administrative justice investigations and hearings will move to virtual format to ensure timely compliance and enforcement.

Please note that we are currently connecting with AREA and RECA to determine how the Restrictions Exemption Program may impact our members’ individual businesses. We will communicate this information with our members as soon as it becomes available.

If you have practice questions related to COVID-19, CREB® Member Practice is available to help you navigate this changing environment. You can reach the team at 403-781-1336 or

REALTOR® and Family Assistance Program

During times of change and uncertainty, many people are facing challenges that are stressful and draining. The REALTOR® and Family Assistance Program is a free, confidential and anonymous program to provide short-term health and wellness counselling and support to our members and their families.

CREB® is closely monitoring news regarding COVID-19 and is committed to providing our members with the most up-to-date and relevant information. As more information becomes available, we will continue to provide you with timely updates. Additional information can be found on the COVID-19 Hub.

If you have any questions, please contact CREB®’s Help Desk at 403-781-1379 or email


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