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Sep 7, 2021

Products and service satisfaction


Tell us what you think about CREB®’s product and service offerings in our satisfaction survey.

In the One Alberta Membership Survey, members clearly indicated the cost of membership and the quality of services provided are equally important. By completing the survey, you are providing CREB®’s leadership team with important information regarding what products and services matter to you. Your valuable insights will be taken into consideration when determining the future of CREB®’s products, services, dues and fees.

CREB® strives to provide our REALTOR® members with the tools and support needed to be successful in their careers. This survey will help us do just that.

If you have already completed the survey, thank you! If not, click here to complete the survey now.

Please note, individual survey results will be kept strictly confidential.

For more information on CREB®’s dues and fees, please visit the CREB® membership dues and fees hub on CREB®Link. 




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This is a private CREB® member area. This publication and all editorial content, including the CREB®Chat column, is intended for member use only.

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Do you know any local charities or non-profits who can benefit from the $590,000 in grants that the CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation is awarding this year?

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