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CT Community Transformation Grant Banner

Sep 28, 2021

Time is almost up

There are only a few days left for local non-profits to apply for CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation’s Community and Transformation Grants. 

Applications are open until Friday, Oct. 1, 2021 and successful applicants will be notified by Friday, Nov. 30, 2021.

Community Grants fund major repairs or renovations to existing housing or shelter supply, with the goal of keeping people housed in their communities. There are three $25,000 Community Grants available in 2021 for a total of $75,000.

Transformation Grants provide funding for minor renovations to existing infrastructure in an effort to improve housing quality for the community’s most vulnerable. Two $10,000 and one $5,000 Transformation Grant are available in 2021 for a total of $25,000.  

If you know of a local non-profit that works to keep people housed or improve housing quality, please share that our grant application is open, and they could be eligible for funding.

Full instructions on how to apply are available at

To read more about the 2020 Community and Transformation Grant recipients, click here


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Do you know any local charities or non-profits who can benefit from the $590,000 in grants that the CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation is awarding this year?

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