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RMHC playhouse

Aug 9, 2022

A new place to play


Ronald McDonald House’s new playroom is starting to come together thanks to the support of local REALTORS® like you.

In 2021, Ronald McDonald House Calgary (RMHC) was awarded $25,000 through the CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation’s Community Grant to construct a new playroom in the Calgary House.

"We are honoured to have the opportunity to help people when they have a child in hospital and require a service to have somewhere to stay and have a roof over their heads," said Murray Scotton, Chair of the CREB® REALTOR Foundation.

The playroom renovation, which has an under-the-sea theme, will be completed by the end of September.

“Families are looking forward to enjoying the playroom and the House is very thankful for your support and for providing many years of enjoyable moments for the kiddos to enjoy while staying with us,” said Sandi Ferchau, Stewardship Manager with Ronald McDonald House Calgary.

We look forward to sharing the finished product with members this fall.

Calgary playroom RMHC

Paint work being done to the slide for the new playroom at RMHC.

RMHC is also the 2022 Legacy Grant recipient, a partnership that will span three years and help to see the Calgary House expansion come to completion, you can read more here.


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