If you have already completed the DEIA survey, thank you for your time and participation! If you have not taken the survey yet, this is your opportunity to make a difference.
By better understanding our members and their experience with DEIA (diversity, equity, inclusion and anti-racism), survey results will influence future programs and initiatives at CREB®, with the ultimate goal of providing all CREB® members with equitable access to programs, resources and business tools.
The survey will only take about 10 minutes to complete, and your responses will be kept strictly confidential. To learn more about how your data is protected, please review Lunaria’s privacy policy.
How do I complete the survey?
To participate, please click on the link below and enter the following access code: CalgaryRegion
Don’t forget, there is also a chance to win one of the following gift cards:
- 50 x $10 coffee cards
- 10 x $50 Visa gift cards
- 5 x $100 Visa gift cards
Why is CREB® focusing on DEIA?
Our values of diversity, equity, inclusion and anti-racism (DEIA) are a strategic priority in CREB®’s 2022-2025 Strategic Plan. We have made a commitment to nurture an environment rooted in wellness, diversity, equity, inclusion and anti-racism.
For more information about what a DEIA survey is and why we are conducting one, please check out our FAQs.
If you have any further questions about the survey, please email Alan Tennant, CREB® President & CEO, at alan.tennant@creb.ca.