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Community Foundation 2022 Year in Review

Dec 1, 2022

REALTORS® made a difference in 2022


Over the past year, Calgary and area REALTORS® came together and put their hard work, care, and support into the community at an amazing rate. Let’s look back on everything our local REALTORS® accomplished through the CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation in 2022.


The CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation awarded seven organizations $400,000 in funding through the Legacy, Community and Transformation Grants. These funds are given out to organizations that keep people housed and improve housing quality in our community.

The grants were awarded to Ronald McDonald House Charities Alberta, Inn from the Cold, the Alex, Children’s Cottage Society, L’Arche Association, Calgary John Howard Society and Unison (formally the Kerby Centre).

RMHC cheque pres

Representatives from RMHC and CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation

Building partnerships

The Ronald McDonald House Calgary (RMHC) was awarded $1 million in grant funding through a three-year Legacy Grant to support the expansion of its Calgary location to create an additional 60 suites for families. The first installment was delivered this year.

The House provides a home-away-from-home and the ability to support even more families is something the Foundation is proud to stand behind. As our relationship with RMHC continues to grow and flourish, REALTORS® will be given the opportunity to tour the House, volunteer and learn more about the amazing support RMHC offers to families with a sick or injured child.


2022 held lots of opportunities for REALTORS® to come together and work side by side to make difference. Over 70 volunteers logged more than 560 hours through numerous opportunities.

There were crews on site during three build days with Habitat for Humanity, and a steady flow of volunteers at Ronald McDonald House Calgary cooking breakfast, helping with odd jobs and helping set up for the holiday season during REALTORS Care® Week in November.

H4H team

Volunteers at a Habitat for Humanity build day


The CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation and REALTORS® Community Foundation of Edmonton joined forces to bring attention to the needs and rights of ‘shelter’ for Albertans.

The Day of Shelter will spotlight organizations and initiatives whose mission is to keep people housed and to create accessible housing options so that every human is safely sheltered. Every person not matter their economic circumstance, family status or age deserve and is worthy of a safe place to call home.

The Day of Shelter on Dec. 10 was formally proclaimed by the City of Calgary and the City of Edmonton.


The CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation fundraised over $45,000 through silent auctions, Home Show tickets sales the CREB® golf tournament and Friends of the Foundation. The fundraising will continue into December via the online silent auction.

A huge thanks goes out to everyone who contributed time and funds and we’d like to recognize all the non-profit organizations in our city that keep people housed and improve housing quality.

We look forward to sharing what we are up to into 2023!


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Do you know any local charities or non-profits who can benefit from the $590,000 in grants that the CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation is awarding this year?

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