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CT Housing Heroes Calgary Seniors

Feb 8, 2022

Calgary Seniors' Resource Society


Created in 1995 through the merger of three seniors-serving organizations, Calgary Seniors’ Resource Society offers a variety of volunteer and social work programs to create “a future where no senior is alone and struggling.”

One of these programs is KINDred Seniors Housing with Supports, which is operated in partnership with HomeSpace Society at its Legacy on 5th property. The program provides housing to individuals 55 and older who are at risk of homelessness and require additional supports to live independently.

“KINDred Seniors has worked to develop a kind community, where all are welcome and accepted,” said Carla Babiuk, director of social work for the Calgary Seniors’ Resource Society. “Clients comment on the sense of community and acceptance, and the ability to engage with others has provided purpose and belonging.”

During the pandemic, residents of Legacy on 5th have demonstrated that sense of community by turning the building’s second-floor terrace into an impromptu gathering space. Now, Calgary Seniors’ Resource Society wants to enrich that space through its Green Space Project, which will add shelter, seating, plants and colour to the terrace. This would create a safe, welcoming and vibrant common area where residents can gather outdoors year-round.

“The terrace is the only common space currently available in the building,” said Babiuk. “Clients gather there to be outside, to connect with others and the terrace provides a sense of safety and belonging to all who live there.”

Late last year, CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation announced the Calgary Seniors’ Resource Society was one of its 2021 Transformation Grant recipients, providing $10,000 to support the Green Space Project.

“The Green Space Project will not only provide a boost in the housing quality for our residents at KINDred Senior Housing with Support,” said Babiuk, “but it will give these individuals a sense of pride and ownership of their space.”

Our Housing Heroes series features recent CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation grant recipients – local non-profit organizations that are creating new housing options, keeping people housed and improving housing quality in the Calgary community.


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