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Feb 14, 2022

Feb. 15 update


CREB® is closely monitoring news regarding COVID-19 and is committed to providing our members with the most up-to-date and relevant information, ensuring you understand how changes to restrictions impact your business. 

In a press conference on Feb. 8, Premier Kenny announced that “province-wide public health measures will be gradually lifted as the fifth wave of COVID-19 subsides and pressure on the health care system eases.” 

Click here for the full link to the press release. 

Provincial stages of re-opening - Step 1

This three-step plan began Feb. 8 at 11:59 p.m. with the ending of the Restriction Exemption Program (REP) along with changes to restrictions for entertainment venues.  

In-person services at CREB® 

Throughout Step 1, the front doors of CREB® will remain open Monday to Friday from 8:15 a.m. - 5 p.m., providing members with access to the Member Services Centre (REALTOR® Store purchases, Lock Box assistance, account payments, member registration and member inquiries). Access to other parts of the CREB® building remains limited.  

Curbside pick-up or courier services are available for online REALTOR® Store purchases. Contact CREB® Member Services for more details at

All training sessions and events already scheduled will be delivered in the format they were planned for. Any virtual offerings will remain virtual and in-person courses and events will be delivered in-person.  

Masking requirements 

As of Feb. 14, 2022 face coverings remain mandatory per the Government of Alberta and the City of Calgary

Although the Province is lifting mask requirements for children ages 2-12, the City of Calgary masking bylaw is still in effect. Under this bylaw, anyone over two years of age is required to wear a face covering.

City Council is expected to review the Pandemic Face Covering Bylaw (the next Council meeting is Feb. 15).

We will continue to update members as new information becomes available.

Showings and open houses 

Sellers are still able to set their own showing instructions based on their comfort level. The Real Estate Council of Alberta (RECA) reminds licensees that in some cases, seller instructions may meet or exceed government mandated requirements, and all REALTORS®, clients and members of the public entering a property must adhere to the sellers’ instructions.  

At this time, open houses and showings continue to require face coverings when entering the property. Please ensure that all current public health orders and municipal bylaws are followed when entering properties to continue to create safe spaces for everyone.

COVID-19 isolation periods are still in place. If an occupant of a home is legally required to isolate, that premises cannot be accessed for in-person showings. Furthermore, people who are legally required to isolate are not permitted to enter another person’s property for any reason. Sellers and/or occupants are not permitted to waive isolation requirements.  

Regarding the showing rule relaxation, throughout Step 1, sellers are still able to decline showings due to COVID-19 concerns and listings can be withdrawn for extended periods with seller directions. 

Provincial stages of re-opening - Step 2

Step 2, projected to come into effect March 1 (based on hospitalization rates continuing to trend downwards), will see most of the remaining restrictions retired. 

In-person services at CREB® 

The Member Services Centre will be open during normal office hours and access to other parts of the building will being considered in alignment with the provinces reopening plan. 

Our Member Training and Events team is looking into scheduling a variety of educational sessions and exciting events with both in-person and online member preferences in mind. 

More information will be shared as it becomes available. 

Masking requirements 

All REALTORS®, clients and other persons entering a property must follow Provincial and City masking mandates when showing a property, conducting an open house or providing other transaction related services. 

More information will be shared as it becomes available. 

Showings and open houses 

CREB® is reviewing how the showing rule relaxation will be impacted by the lifting of public health measures and will provide members with an update as soon as one becomes available. We will give members at least 30-days' notice when it is determined the showing rule relaxation will be retired.   

As we know more, we will share more 

CREB® is working closely to align with other Alberta real estate boards and the Alberta Real Estate Association (AREA), as changes that impact your business come into effect. We will continue to keep our members informed of updates as they become available. 

Assistance is available 

During times of change and uncertainty, many people are facing challenges that are stressful and draining. If you need additional support, the REALTOR® and Family Assistance Program offers CREB® members and their families free, confidential, anonymous counselling and support related to a wide variety of topics. Click here for more information. 

To access additional information and resources for REALTORS®, please visit the COVID-19 hub on CREB®Link.  

If you have any additional questions, please email CREB® Member Practice at


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