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2022 Survey CT Banner

Feb 22, 2022

Help us help you


When you talk, we listen and make decisions based on your responses. So, lay it on us – we want your honest feedback!

The CREB® Member Satisfaction Survey is now in your inbox.

A reminder email was sent today (Feb. 22) from Framework Analytics, an independent research firm, who will administer the confidential survey on our behalf. You can also access it by clicking here.

Your feedback is our focus

Our members and their success guide every decision we make at CREB® and survey responses give us the knowledge and insight to enhance your member experience.

Over $6,000 in prizes to be won!

We know your time is valuable so, to thank you for your time, there are tons of great prizes up for grabs, including:

  • Amazon gift cards
  • Cadillac Fairview gift cards
  • Coffee cards
  • Complimentary professional development courses
  • Complimentary featured listings on
  • Gas cards
  • REALTOR® Store gift certificates

The survey closes Monday, March 7, 2022. To be eligible for the prize draw, your completed survey must be submitted on or before this date. But remember, you must complete all the questions in full to be entered into the prize draw. 

In keeping with our strategic priority to drive responsible cost management, CREB® will continue to source prizes through our RBC AVION relationship where possible.

If you did not receive the survey, you can access it by clicking here.

Thank you in advance for your honest and thoughtful insight!


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This is a private CREB® member area. This publication and all editorial content, including the CREB®Chat column, is intended for member use only.

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Have you heard about our new Cocktails & Compliance event, on Aug. 22?

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