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Feb 14, 2022

Learn the law


CREB® has partnered with the Legal Education Society of Alberta (LESA) to provide our members with more opportunities to grow their real estate knowledge.

LESA hosts a Real Estate Fundamentals course that CREB® members can access to develop a solid understanding of real estate law and conveyancing. In the course, participants are walked through reviewing standard documents, processes, and timelines as well as examining key legislation, defining contract terms, and becoming familiar with land titles procedures and common issues.

LESA is pleased to offer CREB® members 50 per cent off the Real Estate Fundamentals course.

To redeem this offer, simply create an account, then add the course to your cart, enter the coupon code “CREL202050OFF,” click “apply coupon,” then click “proceed to checkout” to fill in your billing details and payment information.

Click here for more information and to purchase today.

For access to additional professional development opportunities, check out LESA’s resources page, CREB®'s upcoming courses and library of recorded speaker sessions.

If you have any questions, please email


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