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CT City Webinars

Feb 8, 2022

Your resource for renovations


Do your clients have home-improvement questions? The City of Calgary has answers.

In an effort to assist homeowners considering renovations in the wake of the pandemic, the City is hosting a series of free webinars to help Calgarians get the answers they need on a variety of building topics. 

As a REALTOR®, being equipped with this knowledge can benefit you, and your clients who often ask several questions related to home improvement.

In the hour-long, free webinars, participants will have access to City experts, such as planning service technicians and safety codes officers who can offer immediate answers to questions and help to ensure both contractors and DIYers have everything in place before getting started. Each webinar is accessible in multiple languages and captioned. 

Included in the topics being discussed in upcoming webinars are hiring a licensed contractor, developing a secondary suite, opening a home-based business and making your home more energy efficient.

All webinars are recorded so those who cannot join live can watch the content at their convenience.

Past webinars that are still available to view include preventing mould in your home, impact-resistant roofing, building code compliance, and furnaces and hot water tanks.

Click here for the full list of webinars offered by the City of Calgary.

CREB® also offers a wide range of webinars that are tailored to real estate. Click here to see upcoming webinars offered by CREB®.


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