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Feb 22, 2022

Last call for nominations


It's the final week to submit a nomination for the REALTOR® of the Year – T.W.H. (Bill) Saunders Memorial Award.

The award honours CREB® REALTORS® who exemplify high standards of professionalism, leadership and outstanding dedication to the community.

Award criteria

  • Lives the Golden Rule in real estate, treating others as they would want to be treated, as a true professional.
  • Exemplifies caring and humanity, not just within our membership, but for the greater community.
  • Involvement in CREB® committees (or committees within other real estate boards and associations).
  • Contributes to the greater community through volunteerism and charity.
  • Has a minimum of five continuous years of membership with CREB®.

The nomination process is easy

  1. Visit to access the nomination form.
  2. Select an outstanding REALTOR® who should be recognized.
  3. Select a seconder for the nomination (they must be from a different brokerage than the nominator).
  4. Provide a brief synopsis of what makes them great!
  5. Click “submit” to send in the nomination. It will then be reviewed to ensure the nominee meets the criteria.
  6. The award recipient will be announced at the Diamond Gala celebration in June.


For more information, click here or contact the CREB® team at

Thomas William Henry Saunders

Thomas William Henry Saunders (1903 -1977), known to all as simply "Bill", was an outstanding CREB® member who inspired many with his professional excellence and contributions to the community. After his passing, the board of directors created an award in his memory to continue inspiring real estate professionals to be the best they can be, giving back to both the industry and the greater community.


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Do you know any local charities or non-profits who can benefit from the $590,000 in grants that the CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation is awarding this year?

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