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Alan's CREB® Chat

Jan 10, 2022

Strategies for success

It’s a new year and, for CREB®, the beginning of our 2022-2025 Strategic Plan.

Our new strategic plan consists of ambitious goals and key initiatives that will empower our 6,000+ members to deliver exceptional value to their clients, ensuring that CREB® REALTORS® remain integral to real estate consumers.

CREB® prides itself on being a high-performance organization, which means being leaders in our industry with a clear strategy and vision for the future. As such, our strategic plan is the framework that allows us to achieve long-term success by defining and focusing on short-term objectives during the next four years.

The plan’s development was not done in isolation. It began with you when we asked for member feedback through CREB®’s Strategic Planning Survey back in February 2021, and was then developed over subsequent months based on insights from members, staff, leadership and industry partners.

Key Initiatives

Advancing One Alberta Membership

Organized real estate is on the brink of change and in order to remain as industry leaders, we recognize the need to adapt. In our One Alberta Membership Survey, the majority of respondents supported exploring One Alberta Membership for CREB® members, and that’s precisely what the board and CREB®’s One Alberta Membership Task Force will continue to do.

Championing this change not only increases CREB®’s value for our members, but it also strengthens our members’ value to the consumer.

Ensuring responsible cost management

In the one Alberta Membership survey, respondents clearly indicated that the cost of membership and quality of service are equally important factors in any model for organized real estate and one of the top issues addressed was rising costs/cost to belong to a real estate organization.

CREB® has a strong history of financial management success. We will continue this trajectory by streamlining our funding model to manage the cost to belong to CREB® without forgoing products and services that are valued by our members.

Prioritizing our people

As the next four years unfold, you will also notice an emphasis on diversity, equity, inclusion and anti-racism (DEIA). We recognize our membership is diverse, and it is crucial that all members feel welcomed and that their unique experiences and opinions are heard and valued. We have some exciting projects in store and can’t wait to share our progress along the way.

I know that some of our members may be wondering, “Why should I care about CREB®’s Strategic Plan? How does this affect my business?”

The short answer is that our members and their success guide every decision that we make at CREB®.

These are just a few plans that we have slated for the next four years. If you haven’t yet done so, I encourage you to check out the 2022-2025 Strategic Plan to see what else is on the horizon here at CREB®.

As always, if you have any questions about our strategic direction, please reach out to myself at or CREB® Chair Lorna Hamn at

Happy New Year and best wishes for a successful year ahead!

This is a private CREB® member area. This publication and all editorial content, including the CREB®Chat column, is intended for member use only.

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