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new crebtalk

Jul 5, 2022

A fresh look for CREB®Talk


The CREB®Talk blog is getting a new look and we’re so excited to share it with you! Launching on July 12, CREB®Talk’s updated design will be modern, dynamic and easy to navigate.

We are confident this blog refresh will support our efforts to provide members with the best tools, knowledge and resources to achieve success in their business.

Here’s a sneak peek:


Here’s what to expect:

We’ve made it easier for members to use the blog to stay up to date on CREB® news and updates.

Equipped with responsive design, the new site will offer a great user experience no matter what device you’re using – desktop computer, tablet or mobile phone.

We’ll also introduce a new navigation panel that categorizes articles, so you’ll find what you’re looking for more efficiently.

The weekly member newsletter will also have a fresh new look, so watch your inbox next Tuesday!

We’re always looking for ways to enhance user experience, and hope that you enjoy the new CREB®Talk as much as we do!


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This is a private CREB® member area. This publication and all editorial content, including the CREB®Chat column, is intended for member use only.

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