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Member Survey follow-up

Jun 28, 2022

Your feedback is our focus


When you talk, we listen and make decisions based on your feedback.

That’s why we asked for your honest opinion through the CREB® Member Satisfaction Survey.

Framework Analytics analyzed the results of the survey and shared the highlights with members at CREB®’s AGM in April. Member satisfaction is now at 76 percent (up a staggering 6 per cent from 2020), and we want this trend to continue.

Based on your survey feedback, the following six products and services have been identified as areas of focus:

  1. Enforcement/Compliance
  2. Member practice advice
  3. Professional development
  4. Promoting the REALTOR® brand
  5. Government Relations
  6. Communications

CREB®’s operational team will be incorporating these areas of focus into their business strategies with the ultimate goal of improving CREB®’s membership experience.

Stay tuned – as this work progresses, more details will be shared about your feedback in action.


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