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Mar 1, 2022

Expand your horizons with CIPS


If you’re looking to take your real estate knowledge to the next level and potentially expand your business internationally, Certified International Property Specialist (CIPS) courses are here to help.

The CIPS designation courses are designed to give you a competitive edge and the opportunity to strengthen relationships with clients as their go-to expert for real estate purchases abroad. Becoming a certified specialist can earn you more international leads and business opportunities.

What’s CIPS?

The National Association of REALTORS® developed the CIPS designation to provide the education, resources and network needed to globalize and expand your business, and the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) is pleased to offer the designation courses here in Canada. CIPS courses are priced individually but bundling them can help you save on the course fees.

CIPS courses include:

Click here to register.

Become a go-to REALTOR® for inbound referral clients through the fully virtual CIPS designation course. With more than 4.5 million international users on, you don’t want to miss out on these potential global real estate business opportunities.

For more information, please visit CREA’s Learning Hub or email


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