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Mar 1, 2022

March 1 update


On Saturday (Feb. 26), Premier Kenney announced that effective March 1, the Province will begin Step 2 of its re-entry plan.

As of today (March 1), most remaining restrictions are now retired including indoor social gathering limits and public masking requirements (except in high-risk settings).

CREB® is committed to providing our members with the most up-to-date and relevant information. Please review the following to understand how these changes to restrictions will impact your business.

In-person services at CREB®

Masking and physical distancing at CREB®

Effective today (March 1), masking and physical distancing for members and staff is optional at CREB®.

As this change comes into effect, please remember that each person has a different comfort level regarding masking and physical distancing, and we ask you to be mindful of those around you.

Some may wish to continue wearing a mask while at CREB®, while others may choose to remove theirs. Either option is welcomed, and we will not tolerate harassment on either side of the masking/physical distancing conversation.

Safety measures at CREB®

While our policies and procedures may change, our commitment to cleanliness and member well-being is here to stay. Even though masks and physical distancing are optional, hand sanitizer will continue to be available throughout the building.

Operational changes at CREB®

The front doors of CREB® remain open Monday to Friday from 8:15 a.m. - 5 p.m., providing members with access to the Member Services Centre (REALTOR® Store purchases, Lock Box assistance, account payments, member registration and member inquiries).

Effective March 15, normal building access will be restored, including and ability to physically meet with member facing teams. The option to hold in-person meetings at CREB® will also resume on this date.

Our member training and events team is actively planning for the resumption of in-person events and education opportunities. Please watch CREB®Talk for sessions as they become available.

We appreciate your continued kindness and support throughout this transition and we look forward to seeing you in person soon.

Showings and open houses

Masking requirements

Effective today (March 1), face coverings are optional during open houses and showings in Calgary. If you are trading in areas outside of the City of Calgary, it is important to ensure you are familiar with any municipal masking bylaws in that area.

Keep in mind that sellers are still able to set their own showing instructions that exceed government mandated requirements, and all REALTORS®, clients and members of the public entering a property must adhere to the sellers’ instructions. 

We recommend that you touch base with your sellers to see how these changes impact their comfort levels regarding showings and open houses. Any changes to seller instructions should be in writing.

Please remember that seller’s agents are required to communicate seller instructions to buyer agents. As always, we recommend that this be done in writing and that you obtain written acknowledgement of receipt.

Buyer’s agents should prepare buyers for any masking requirements related to showing specific properties.

Showing rule relaxation

For the time being, the showing rule relaxation and withdrawn rule relaxation remain in place.

CREB® continues to review how the lifting of public health measures will affect these relaxations and will provide members with at least 30-days' notice with any changes.  

Assistance is available 

During times of change and uncertainty, many people are facing challenges that are stressful and draining. If you need additional support, the REALTOR® and Family Assistance Program offers CREB® members and their families free, confidential, anonymous counselling and support related to a wide variety of topics. Click here for more information. 

To access additional information and resources for REALTORS®, please visit the COVID-19 hub on CREB®Link.  


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