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CT Annual Dues Banner

Mar 15, 2022

Statements are out


Please check your February statement for your Alberta Real Estate Association (AREA) and Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) annual dues invoice.

The statements were emailed to all CREB® members on March 9 and include your annual dues invoice for 2022. They can also be accessed via your CREB®Link profile.

AREA and CREA annual dues remain at $666.75 and are to be paid by noon on Thursday, March 31. 

These dues are separate from your CREB® annual dues and cover the membership period from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31. The breakdown of these dues is as follows:

CREA Annual Dues – $310 +tax.
AREA Annual Dues – $325 +tax.

If you are enrolled in automatic payments, credit cards will be processed on Tuesday, March 22, and bank withdrawals will be processed on Tuesday, March 29.


Auto-pay is the easiest way to ensure your dues are paid in full by the deadline using a credit card or chequing account. To sign up, simply head to the “My Account” page on CREB®Link and choose whether you’d prefer automatic debit or credit card withdrawals.

Additional payment options:

  • Through your My Account profile on CREB®Link.
  • Over the phone at 403-263-0530 or in-person at the Member Services Centre at CREB®.

For more information on the 2022 annual dues structure, visit CREB®Link or view the brochure.

If you have additional questions about CREB®’s annual dues, please contact Help Desk at 403-781-1379 or


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