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CT Legalese

May 3, 2022

Learn some legalese


Gain insight into a variety of legal topics including purchase contracts, foreclosures, dower rights and titles with CREB®’s legal series.

These interactive and engaging sessions conducted by practicing real estate lawyers will focus on best practices to protect you and your client. 

Register for one of our upcoming sessions:

Residential Contracts Line by Line

Date: Tuesday, May 10 | Time: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. | Cost: $99

Join lawyer Jeff Kahane as he shares everything you need to know about drafting an effective residential purchase contract that will protect both you and your clients.


Foreclosure Basics

Date: Tuesday, May 17 | Time: 9 a.m. to noon | Cost: $99

Join lawyer Lou Pesta, Q.C., as he helps you traverse the foreclosure trail with ease by reviewing the process, step-by-step. From initial default in the mortgage payments to the title vesting in the name of the lender, Pesta will provide insight on how to represent your clients best.


Navigating the Dower Act

Date: Tuesday, May 17 | Time: 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. | Cost: $99

Join lawyer Lou Pesta, Q.C, as he provides you with a simple and accurate practice guide for real estate professionals to use as a reference source when dower issues arise in their practice.


Titles: Everything You Need To Know

Date: Thursday, June 9 | Time: 10 a.m. to noon | Cost: $49

Learn everything you need to know about titles including an explanation of the various registrations on title, title clauses in residential purchase contracts, and the diverse types of ownership and interest in land that appear on title with lawyer Jeff Kahane.


Click here for a full list of upcoming CREB® courses, including online and in-person.  

For more information on upcoming courses, please contact


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