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Nov 1, 2022

Update: CREA REALTOR® Cooperation Policy & Coming Soon Listings


On Oct. 14, the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) sent an email to members announcing its intention to adopt a new REALTOR® Cooperation Policy.

The REALTOR® Cooperation Policy was approved by CREA’s Board of Directors and will be brought to the membership for a vote at its 2023 AGM next spring. This policy affects timelines for posting coming soon listings to the MLS® System and the public marketing of listings.

Through the provincial Rules Change Management Group (CMG), Alberta Boards are collaborating on member engagement to understand your perspective.

The policy requires all REALTORS® to post their listings on the Board’s MLS® System for cooperation with other REALTORS® within three (3) days of public marketing. The policy seeks to reinforce cooperation among REALTORS® to better service the needs of consumers, strengthen the MLS® and REALTOR® trademarks and increase the level of professionalism. It applies to most residential property listings that are publicly marketed, including “non-active” coming soon and office exclusive listings.

Members are unable to opt out of the policy requirements. Policy exemptions are outlined in CREA’s FAQs here.

We encourage you to review the REALTOR® Cooperation Policy as well as the FAQs and MLS® System White Paper on CREA’s website to ensure you understand the new policy and how it may affect your practice.

Please provide any feedback and questions to CREB® Member Practice at so it can be shared with the CMG. This initial feedback will be used to shape any additional member engagement in advance of the vote at the 2023 CREA AGM.

We will keep members updated as information becomes available.

This is a private CREB® member area. This publication and all editorial content, including the CREB®Chat column, is intended for member use only.

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