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Sem detached

Nov 1, 2022

Listing semi-detached properties

Please note, when listing half of a duplex, the correct property sub-type to use is “Semi-Detached.”

This REALTips article is part two of the four part series on how to avoid the top rule violations in Q3.

While semi-detached properties are sometimes called duplexes in conversation, these properties must be classified as semi-detached when they are entered into the MLS® System.

When inputting a full duplex that is on one title, “Full Duplex” should be selected in the “PropertySub Type” field (this field is nested under the structure category). If inputting one side of a duplex (also known as a half-duplex), “Semi-Detached (Half Duplex)” should be selected in the Property Sub Type field.

Please note, you cannot sell only one side of a duplex if both sides are under one title. If you are selling both sides of a duplex, and each side has its own title, you would list this property under the “Multi-Family” property type and “Duplex” sub-type.

These differences in classification are summarized in the following chart:

Property Type

Property Sub-Type



Full Duplex

Used when selling both sides of a duplex with one title

Semi-Detached (Half Duplex)

Used when selling one side of a duplex


Full Duplex

Used when selling both sides of a duplex with two separate titles

Remember, if properties are not classified correctly on the MLS® System, there is a chance they will not receive maximum exposure.

For more information or questions, please contact CREB® Member Practice at or 403-781-1336.


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