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AREA CREB consolidation

Nov 22, 2022

ICYMI: AREA & CREB® announce consolidation plan


As captured in last week’s landmark announcement, the AREA and CREB® Boards of Directors will be bringing a proposal for consolidation to the CREB® membership in 2023.

This initiative is the result of ongoing discussions between both organizations and is seen as the best pathway to deliver the most benefit to members moving forward. 

Key takeaways about this exciting new opportunity:

One vision, one voice
The consolidation plan is a collaborative effort. It was developed jointly by AREA and CREB® leadership and represents a shared future vision and an achievable path to a successful merger.

CREB® President & CEO Alan Tennant will join the existing AREA executive team in a senior executive role, to oversee the smooth transition of CREB® staff and systems into AREA.

The two Boards of Directors are working through the details of the proposal, with a commitment to sharing the fulsome details with members in early January. 

Members will decide
CREB® members will make the decision on whether to consolidate the two organizations.

There will be a special motion put in front of CREB® members to dissolve the organization at a Special General Meeting on March 15, 2023, which will set in motion the transition to merge CREB® into AREA by Dec. 31, 2023. The vote will pass only if it receives a super majority (66%+) of support.

When the time comes, please make sure your voice is heard and cast your vote.

Reduced member fees
A consolidation would reduce operational duplication and overhead costs between the two organizations. Those savings would be passed on directly to the members.

Greater choice in services
Members will be able to choose between two service bundles – premium and core – allowing them to prioritize what matters most to them.

Also, attend a CiYC visit
As we work toward delivering more robust member communications about the AREA-CREB® consolidation plan, we encourage brokers to schedule a brokerage visit through CREB® in Your Community (CiYC) on CREB®Link.

The CiCY initiative offers a unique opportunity to share, listen and learn with CREB®’s President & CEO, and the Board of Directors.

Let your broker know that you want some face time with CREB® and encourage them to book a brokerage visit today.

Brokers and office managers can book a brokerage through the broker section on CREB®Link or by clicking here.

To learn more and find answers to questions you may be thinking about, please click here to review our AREA-CREB® consolidation FAQ.


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