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Nov 1, 2022

Volunteer during REALTORS Care® Week

Legacy Grant recipient Ronald McDonald House Alberta has four unique and fun volunteer activities created exclusively for REALTORS Care® Week (Nov.14 to 21).

Check out these amazing opportunities below. Sign up now, as spots will fill up quickly!

North Pole Magic Day #1 

This is an opportunity to create some holiday magic for families staying at RMHC. You will decorate the upstairs room where families go to “shop” for their presents for Christmas.

Date: Nov.15
Time: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.


North Pole Magic Day #2

This is an opportunity to create some holiday magic for families staying at RMHC. You will decorate the upstairs room where families go to “shop” for their presents for Christmas.

Date: Nov.16
Time: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.


Provide a home-cooked breakfast for families

This is an opportunity to cook breakfast for the many families who call the House a home when their child is sick or injured.

Cooking breakfast is very important to the families who are staying at the House. Your participation will allow you to give back, learn more about RMHC and volunteer alongside other REALTORS®.

Date: Nov.16
Time: 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. 


Provide a home-cooked dinner for families 

This is an opportunity to cook dinner for the families staying in the house, as well as eat dinner with the families after you have cooked. You will cook the meal from start to finish.

Date: Nov.18
Time: 3 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.


If you have questions, please email Sam Randhawa, Member Relations & Volunteer Engagement Advisor 

We encourage REALTORS® to follow along as we share stories from the community during REALTORS Care® Week on social media and to share your own stories using the hashtags #CREBRealtors and #RealtorsCare.  


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