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Oct 18, 2022

So, you've been ghosted


Are you waiting to hear from another agent and unsure when they’ll get back to you? You may have been ghosted!

The wait can be difficult and explaining ongoing delays to clients can be a challenging conversation to navigate. Here are some tips on what to do if you think you’ve been ghosted:

Don’t assume

Don’t assume something is being done on purpose or with nefarious intentions. REALTORS® are busy and most members know what it’s like trying to balance both work and life priorities and sometimes replying to an inquiry will take some time.

Try other platforms

Try another method to get a hold of your industry colleague. If texting has stalled out, try another way of reaching them. Most members will experience some technical trouble at some point and being out of communication is stressful to everyone.

Get support from your broker

Reach out to your broker for support if your question or conversation with another member had faded out and you still need some information. Brokers can inquire on your behalf and, if necessary, can reach out to the other broker to get more information if their associate isn’t responding.

Remember disclosure

Keep in mind, not all questions will result in the answers you or your client may hope for. There may be times when members are obligated under their client’s lawful instructions to not disclose certain information. Agents should be prepared, and prepare their clients, for a response that indicates the client has instructed not to answer that question.

If you encounter a situation where you think you’ve been ghosted and already tried these tips, please contact CREB® Member Practice so we can talk through what’s going on and potential solutions.

Remember, keeping strong connections is important. Being a “ghoster” may impact your professional reputation and potentially the deal.

Thank you to all members who are staying in touch with each other and working collaboratively to deliver the best experience to their clients!

If you have questions about “ghosting” please contact CREB® Member Practice at for more information.


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