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BOD Meeting Report

Oct 11, 2022

Update from the BOD


From the approval of a new AGM policy to a new rule interpretation review, there was no shortage of action at CREB®’s board of directors’ meetings on June 15 and Sept. 14.

Board meeting highlights

Here are some highlights from the June 15, 2022 and Sept. 14, 2022 board of directors' meeting reports:

  • The board adopted a new AGM policy that will make our annual member meetings more accessible, inclusive and effective. CREB® members can expect communications detailing the changes shortly.
  • A new rule interpretation, that creates an exception for listings being enforced, whether it’s via court order, civil enforcement, safety order etc., was reviewed. Listings of this nature do fall under the definition of “unusual conditions” and member communications will explain the application of this new CREB® interpretation.
  • An update from the Board Development and Leadership Standing Committee advised that there was strong member interest in the board of directors’ election this fall, and the Sept. 7 Future Leaders Workshop saw the best attendance yet. This was an opportunity to ask questions of seasoned volunteers and clarify expectations. Attendees were full of great enthusiasm and eager to volunteer.
  • The board and staff leadership attended a 2022-2025 strategic plan refresh session on May 18 and 19 in Calgary. This refresh resulted in a re-emphasized dedication and focus on delivering value to the CREB® membership.
  • Members of CREB®’s Government Relations Team (GRT) participated in ongoing engagement with representatives from the City of Calgary's Climate Mitigation team, who recently presented an update on digital energy labeling at the GRT’s Q2 Workshop.

Click here to read the full board of directors meeting report from June 15, 2022.

Click here to read the full board of directors meeting report from Sept. 14, 2022.

About CREB® BOD meeting reports

In February 2020, the board of directors began generative discussions on how to best communicate topics being covered at the board table.

After a detailed review, the Governance Standing Committee made a recommendation to amend the CREB® Governance Manual Policy 2.1.6 Board Meeting Policy to require the posting of a board meeting report. Now, following each board meeting, a meeting report will be shared with members that summarizes what was discussed.

Click here to view the board of directors meeting reports page on CREB®Link. 

Click here to view the 2022-2025 Strategic Plan.


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