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Oct 4, 2022

Co-listing practice improvement


CREB® Member Practice has seen an increase in co-listed properties and has re-evaluated how educational advisories and fines will be issued to co-listing agents.

Now, if an input error is made, the co-listing agent that made the input error will be deemed responsible and will receive any educational advisories or fines related to the rule violation.

When the co-listing agent responsible for the error cannot be determined, the MLS® System input history will be reviewed and the listing agent who activated the listing will be deemed responsible for the error. CREB® Member Practice will then deliver information and any associated educational advisories or fines to the agent who activated the listing. 

If a member's unlicensed assistant makes changes to a listing, the co-listing agent they are working on behalf of is considered responsible for any rule violations that result from the assistant’s activities. Educational advisories or fines will not be delivered to unlicensed assistants – all enforcement information will be sent to the REALTOR®

As a reminder, CREB® Member Practice contacts members via email. Please set up your inbox to ensure emails from are not overlooked as they contain valuable information and timelines that can affect your listing. 

Practice tip

Please make sure to preview your listing before you submit it. It’s easier to spot an error when you're viewing the Agent full view compared to the input screen.

To preview your listing:

  1. Save the listing as incomplete.
  2. Click My Incomplete Listings on the Pillar 9™ Matrix Homepage under My Listings.

    My incomplete listings
  3. Click on the listing you want to preview.
  4. Preview the listing as it would appear on the MLS® System.

If you have any questions, please contact CREB® Member Practice at for more information.


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