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realtors in the community

Sep 20, 2022

Highlighting REALTORS® in the community

On behalf of our members, we are working with Postmedia to promote all the good REALTORS® like you do in the community.

The value of a REALTOR® goes beyond the homebuying and selling experience – CREB® REALTORS® are making a difference in the communities where they live and work. This fall, we’ll be running a REALTOR® brand campaign that includes digital advertising and a community investment feature story in the homebuyers’ section of the Calgary Herald.

Click here to read the article and check out the digital advertisements local real estate consumers will see on below.

community investment ad             realtor brand ad

Campaign reach

This fall campaign is a continuation of our spring campaign, which saw amazing results with a total of 1,120,979 impressions and a 225% year-over-year increase in pageviews to the consumer hub on

The fall campaign has a community investment focus and is expected to reach thousands of readers through Calgary Herald’s website and print newspaper.

Why focus on community investment?

Every year, CREB® REALTORS® are transforming entire communities by logging thousands of volunteer hours and investing in programs that will create new housing, keep people housed and improve housing quality.

We know the value of REALTOR® does indeed go beyond the buying and selling experience, so we’ve featured some recent initiatives CREB® REALTORS® have championed through the Community Foundation’s Legacy Grant program.

Your feedback in action

In CREB®’s latest member satisfaction survey, we heard that promoting the value of a REALTOR® is important to you. We hope you will share the feature story with your network to support CREB®’s ongoing marketing efforts to grow the REALTOR® brand.


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Do you know any local charities or non-profits who can benefit from the $590,000 in grants that the CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation is awarding this year?

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