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CT Community Grants

Sep 20, 2022

Local REALTORS® give back to diverse housing needs

CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation has awarded $75,000 in grant funding to the Calgary John Howard Society, Kerby Centre and L’Arche Association of Calgary. 

Each non-profit will receive $25,000 in grant funding to support major repairs and renovations to existing housing or shelter supply, with the goal of keeping people housed in their communities.

“We are proud to support this diverse and deserving group of organizations on behalf of local Realtors,” says Murray Scotton, Chair of CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation. “It’s amazing to see the work that is being done in our community to support housing and shelter for all.”

Calgary John Howard Society

The Calgary John Howard Society (CJHS) is a charity that has been reducing crime and making Calgary communities safer since 1949 by helping youth and adults make positive changes and move away from criminal behaviour

Grant funds will support major renovation to its Raido House in Calgary, which houses youth aged 15 to 18 years.

“Without the support of community partners like CREB®, it would be challenging to keep our 109-year-old Raido House building maintained,” says Leslie McMechan, Executive Director of Calgary John Howard Society. “Our youth deserve to live in a safe and welcoming space. CREB®’s donation will go a long way towards helping us maintain and improve it for years to come.

Kerby Centre

Kerby Centre is a not-for-profit organization with programs and services in Calgary and Medicine Hat. Kerby Centre is committed to enhancing the ability of older adults 55+ to live healthy, productive lives — with a focus on their mental, physical, social and emotional well-being

Grant funds will support its capital campaign for improvements required to ensure the integrity of the Elder Abuse Shelter, helping to better serve vulnerable seniors fleeing abuse.

“The Elder Abuse Shelter provides seniors fleeing abuse sanctuary, but this donation from CREB® will help us make our shelter a home,” says Larry Mathieson, CEO of Kerby Centre.

L’Arche Association of Calgary

L’Arche Calgary has five homes, a Supported Independent Living Program, and the Tamarack Day Program. L'Arche Calgary's Core Members are people with intellectual disabilities who share life with Assistants who come to us from around the world.

Grant funds will support renovation to its Annapurna House which needs to be modified to fit the needs of some of its current residents who require wheelchairs as well as general upgrades to improve livability.

“With this grant, CREB® has given the gift of independence to people using wheelchairs by allowing them to navigate their living spaces freely and enabling them to participate in life at home without barriers,” says Ani Hynes, Community Leader & Executive Director of L’Arche Association of Calgary. "These funds will provide a gathering space for our community, where we can continue sharing life and celebrating the gifts of people with disabilities.”

Since its inception in 1987, the Foundation has contributed more than $8 million to a wide range of non-profit organizations in our communities.

Click here to learn more about the CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation and its granting streams.


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