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BOD governance excellence

Apr 18, 2023

Update from the BOD


The regularly scheduled March 28 board of directors meeting came shortly after the March 15 Special General Meeting, which provided some time to think about the historic decision members made. 

This also allowed some breathing room for the board to consider the next steps in pulling together all the feedback the board received from members.

Board meeting highlights

Here are some highlights from the Board of Directors Meeting Report for the meeting held on March 28 & 31, 2023:

  • The audited financial statements were approved for presentation at the April 20, 2023 AGM. The results show that 2022 was a very positive year for CREB®. The report of the Treasurer at the AGM and the Annual Report will detail that our deficit for the twelve-month period was $91,225 compared to a budgeted deficit of $1,329,543 for a positive variance of $1,103,090. The audited financial statements can be viewed in the Annual Report on the AGM page.
  • A discussion on the upcoming CREA AGM and the CREB® positions on various matters resulted in a decision to oppose the proposed REALTOR® Cooperation policy and to convey this decision to our members advising that we will be seeking the support of other boards. CREA intends to incorporate REALTOR® Cooperation into the REALTOR® Code.
  • A plan was developed to maximize the large amount of member feedback from the consolidation consultation process. The initiatives the board is considering from the learnings over the last few months include publishing minutes, increased member interactions, greater flexibility in services and due/fee payments and other ideas that build from the strong commentary from members that they value what CREB® provides and that some of the innovative ideas expressed recently need to be fully considered.
  • The upcoming strategic planning session was expanded in scope to enable the development of a new strategic plan fresh from the enormous amount of feedback gathered after the historic consolidation proposal.
  • After receiving several member to Board of Director complaints involving a current Director, the Board met with the Director to review the circumstances involved with the various complaints to determine whether there was a breach(s) of the Director’s Code of Conduct.  After a lengthy review of the complaints, including responses from the involved Director and consideration of several procedural challenges, the Board decided, pursuant to CREB® Bylaw 6.7 c) to terminate the Directorship of Jason Bamlett due to numerous breaches of the Directors Code of Conduct.
  • The board reviewed the results of the March 15 Special General Meeting (SGM) participants survey, and the results were:
    • we received 548 responses from 1,526 attendees in-person and online, a 36 per cent response rate
    • 79% of our members who attended the SGM participated online and 19% in person
    • 50% of those who participated in the SGM attended an open house, 42% did not, with the remaining eight percent of survey participants taking part via brokerage visits or other presentations
    • 48% of the respondents found the open house sessions useful
    • 78% of attendees at the SGM visited the Consolidation hub on CREB®Link
  • The board called a Director By-election to take place electronically from 4:00 p.m. May 3, 2023 to 4:00 p.m. May 4, 2023. Candidates are encouraged to begin campaigning in advance of the candidate page opening at 9:00 am on April 27, 2023.

Click here to read the full Board of Directors Meeting Report from March 28 and 31, 2023.

About CREB® BOD meeting reports

In February 2020, the board of directors began generative discussions on how to best communicate topics being covered at the board table.

After a detailed review, the Governance Standing Committee made a recommendation to amend the CREB® Governance Manual Policy 2.1.6 Board Meeting Policy to require the posting of a board meeting report. Now, following each board meeting, a meeting report will be shared with members that summarizes what was discussed.

Click here to view the board of directors meeting reports page on CREB®Link. 

Click here to view the 2022-2025 Strategic Plan.


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