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CCIM commercial course

Apr 27, 2023

Calling all commercial REALTORS®


If you’ve been delaying making the jump into commercial real estate or are seeking a refresher, this course is for you! 

In partnership with Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) Western Canada Chapter, CREB® is hosting CI 101: Financial Analysis for Commercial Investment Real Estate right here in our own building!

This is the first of six CCIM education requirements to earn the CCIM designation. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from an experienced commercial real estate practitioner in a supportive classroom environment and network with like-minded peers and CCIM designees.

About the course:

Date: Tuesday, May 30 to Friday, June 2 | Time: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. | Registration deadline: May 12

CI 101 is a bedrock course for real estate practitioners at a time with risk mitigation, pricing and cycle assurance have become critical to investors. This course provides attendees with a foundation of practical financial analysis skills needed to succeed in subsequent certification training.

This course will teach you how to:

  • Make informed investment decisions using the CCIM Cash Flow Model;
  • Measure the impact of federal taxation and financial leverage on the cash flow from the acquisition, ownership, and disposition phases of real estate investment; and
  • Use real estate analysis tools to quantify investment return.

Cost: $1,435 for CCIM members or $1,735 for non-members

*Note: Participants will be required to bring their own laptop with the ability to run MS Excel 2000 or higher. To see more information on tech requirements, see the registration page.


Networking opportunity

All CCIMs and CREB® members are invited for a complimentary networking event on Thursday, June 1 at CREB®. Come meet and network with like-minded peers and CCIM designees over light refreshments and beverage service!

For more information on CREB® commercial courses click here. For more information on the CCIM click here.


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