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Q3 Audit

Apr 11, 2023

Q1 audit results


The results of the multimedia links audit are in - take a look at the results.

Between March 27 and March 31, CREB® Member Practice carried out a random audit of listings containing Multimedia links.

Multimedia links are website links that are included in the URL- specific field and must contain the information specific to that field to avoid being considered misleading under CREB® Rule Part I 4.03.

Members must not submit an MLS® listing which is incomplete, inaccurate or includes false and/or misleading information. 

CREB® Member Practice audited 178 CREB® MLS® System Listings containing multimedia links and only 14 of those listings were non-compliant resulting in educational advisories.

Thank you to CREB® members and brokers for reviewing their multimedia links before and during the audit and updating them to ensure compliance.

Click here for more information about this audit.

About quarterly compliance audits

To ensure CREB® members are meeting compliance requirements, and maintain data integrity in the MLS® System, CREB® Member Practice administers quarterly compliance audits each year.

In alignment with CREB®’s education-first philosophy, audits are an opportunity to bring awareness to the rules and assist members in developing best business practices to reduce risk to the member for future violations.

The 2023 audits will focus on a different compliance requirement each quarter:

  • Multimedia links
  • Commercial real property and transaction type
  • RMS supplement and total above-grade consistency
  • Lot size on conventional condos
If you have questions about quarterly audits, please contact Member Practice at for more information.


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