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Sentrilock Resize

Dec 29, 2023

Conclusion of SentriLock® reciprocity agreements

In November 2021, a reciprocal agreement for SentriLock was established between CREB® and Alberta West REALTORS® Association (AWRA, based in Hinton) as well as the REALTORS® Association of Lloydminster and District (RALD), to facilitate Pillar 9™’s implementation of the SentriKey Showing Service. Once CREB® renegotiated the agreement with ShowingTime™ to protect member data, the board of directors pivoted away from SentriKey Showing Service and reengaged ShowingTime™. At any point in the future any consideration of an alternative showing service for CREB® members must be approached through a CREB® specific contract rather than through a contract with Pillar 9™.

CREB® has been discussing the reciprocity program with SentriLock® for the last month and has chosen to conclude existing reciprocity agreements, which was only with the boards from Hinton and Lloydminster. The reciprocity agreement was cancelled because CREB® was no longer using SentriKey Showing Service. We confirmed the fact that the only other boards registered with SentriLock® in Alberta were these two boards in our discussions with SentriLock® over the past month.

To be clear, CREB® does not have a reciprocal agreement with RASCA. CREB® was advised on Dec. 21, 2023 that the RASCA board is providing SentriLock® lockboxes to their members.

The CREB® board of directors is always willing to engage in dialog with neighbouring boards. We recognize the importance of REALTORS® working collaboratively to facilitate property transactions and that we need to find balance between that desire and the value members receive from CREB®.

More information on how CREB® members may access lock boxes from other boards can be found here.


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