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Holiday Market thank you

Dec 18, 2023

Thank you kindly


We’d like to extend a big thank you to everyone who joined us on Dec. 6 for the CREB® holiday market.

This market was an expansion of a traditional staff initiative that sought to bring the CREB® community together to get into the holiday spirit – and it sure did.

We raised $2,002 from sales and with CREB®’s matching donation, we donated a total of $4,004 to Inn from the Cold, the largest charity organization in the Calgary region that is solely dedicated to families experiencing a housing crisis and helping them find stability.

We also collected and donated 113 pounds of food to the food bank.

This great success wouldn’t have been possible without the wonderful efforts and support of 29 CREB®staff and members (and their loved ones!) who volunteered and contributed baked goods and holiday crafts. We appreciate the time and energy you put into this.

For those who missed it, fear not. We’ll be hosting a second edition next year and look forward to seeing you there.

Happy holidays from everyone at CREB®!

CREB® holiday market

CREB Fun Squad donation



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