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Upcoming courses

Feb 7, 2023

Spring courses at CREB®


Spring is in the air and so are new CREB®'s courses for you to invest in yourself and grow your business.

We offer a wide range of in-person and online course topics that will boost your real estate skills and knowledge. Check out our upcoming professional development sessions and claim your spot today.

Matrix™ Advanced (In-person) 

Become a Matrix™ wizard with this interactive, half-day workshop designed to equip you with an in-depth knowledge of all that Matrix™ offers including a look at statistical data and customization tools to suit the needs of your business.

Date: Thursday, Feb. 16
Time: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Location: CREB®
Cost: $29 + GST for CREB® Members and $49 + GST for non-members.


Title Insurance (Webinar)

Learn why it’s important to talk to your clients about title insurance, why they might consider title insurance (over an RPR) and what would likely be covered.

Date: Tuesday, Feb. 21
Time: 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Location: Online
Cost: $0


Tenanted Residential Property Sales (Webinar) 

Join Lou Pesta, seasoned real estate lawyer, to explore tenanted property deals from both the buyer’s and seller’s perspective.

Date: Friday, Feb. 24
Time: 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Location: Online
Cost: $0


Radon Mitigation and Misconceptions (Webinar)

Radon is an increasingly common concern in Alberta home sales. Join radon mitigator, Andrew Arshinoff, as he explains what radon is, how it is currently affecting the housing market, and how current misconceptions can be challenged. 


Date: Friday, Feb. 27
Time: 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Location: Online
Cost: $0


Check out more upcoming courses here.

For more information on upcoming courses, please contact


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