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Jan 20, 2023

Pillar 9 Member Survey


Pillar 9 is conducting an in-depth member survey to find out how agents think Pillar 9 is doing as a company, service provider, tools manager and support center.

Pillar 9 has been working with Framework for this in-depth custom survey from creation through analytics.

Framework will be reaching out to the Alberta membership starting Thursday, Jan. 19 and providing incentives (see below) to participate in this survey.

Incentive Quantity Retail Value
Coffee cards 50 $10 each
A gift for your office - $100 gift card for Starbucks or Tim Hortons so your staff can enjoy a coffee on us 1 $100 each
Amazon gift card 1 $250 each

Thank you in advance for taking the time to provide your feedback to Pillar 9!


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