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Real tips Realtor Safety

Jun 16, 2023

Risky leads: trust your instincts


Lead generation is a big part of our member’s business plan; whether through referrals, sign calls or tech tools, inquiries from new clients should go through a vetting process. This not only helps meet client needs and manage your time and resources effectively, but it can also keep you safe.

Unfortunately, CREB® has heard of more situations that have left members questioning whether meeting their new lead is safe, as they could be entering a dangerous situation.  If you find yourself in a situation that feels unusual or notice red flags that suggest something isn’t quite right, trust your instincts and remove yourself from the situation.

Things to consider

  • How did the lead come to you? Meeting a friend of a former client might feel safer than meeting an internet lead.
  • What are they looking for? If they only want to look at vacant properties, you might want to dig deeper to see if being alone with a prospective buyer feels legitimate.
  • Where will they meet you? Meeting new clients in places familiar to you and public or moderately busy may be a safer choice.

If you are meeting someone, REM and NAR have published tips on vetting leads and staying safe.

Become familiar with these safety resources 

If you’ve experienced an unsafe situation or encountered a dangerous person, we encourage members to report the incident to the police.

These situations can be disturbing to experience and hear about. 

If you, a family member or a colleague is facing a stressful or unexpected situation, please reach out to the REALTOR® and Family Assistance Program (RFAP) for support. CREB® members have access to this free and confidential program that provides counselling services 365 days a year. 


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