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CT Sentrilock Banner March

Jun 5, 2023

Lockbox maintenance and safety tips


Ensure your lockbox is always working at peak efficiency with these tips from CREB® Member Support.

Rotate your inventory

By rotating the lockboxes you use, you can preserve their battery life.

Software updates

Ensure your lockbox has the latest software update to help the battery last longer.

Close the box

Don’t leave your box open – close it to increase lifespan.

Remember, if you receive a low battery message, please replace the battery in your lockbox, or after five years, it is recommended to change them even without the message.

For the safety of all our members and the well-being of everyone’s property, please utilize these tips for lockbox placement.

  • Secure lockboxes in a better way. Ensure lockboxes are secured to a fixed solid object. For condo buildings, look at securing lockboxes inside the lobby.
  • Report stolen lockboxes. Always report stolen lockboxes to the police and SentriLock, along with details indicating which address has been compromised.
  • Vandalized lockboxes. Please report any vandalized boxes that require replacement to SentriLock. Once they are deemed vandalized, CREB® can replace them for a discounted rate.
  • Make lockboxes more visible. Ensure lockboxes are in a high visibility and well-lit area to help prevent vandalism and/or stolen boxes.
  • Be parkade smart. Don’t let vehicles follow you into condo parkades, and don’t leave keys in your car or leave your vehicle unlocked.

For questions about lockbox troubleshooting, contact


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