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Upcoming courses

Mar 28, 2023

Learn and grow with CREB® courses


Sharpen your skills and gain a fresh perspective for your practice with CREB®'s upcoming courses.

We offer a wide range of in-person and online course topics that will boost your real estate skills and knowledge. Check out our upcoming professional development sessions and claim your spot today.

New Foreign Buyers Ban

The Prohibition of the Purchase of Residential Property by non-Canadians Act has thrown a wrench into foreign investment. Join real estate lawyer, Jeff Kahane, to learn everything you need to know about this new legislation..

Date: Tuesday, April 18
Time: 10 a.m. to noon
Location: CREB®
Cost: $49 + GST for CREB® Members and $99 + GST for non-members.


CREB® max Stats (Webinar) 

Join CREB® Chief Economist, Ann-Marie Lurie, to learn how to maximize housing statistics allowing you to provide clients with credible and reliable market info

Date: Wednesday, April 19
Time: 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Location: Online
Cost: $0


Matrix Advanced (Webinar) 

Take a deep dive into housing stats and data sets in this interactive, half-day workshop where you will learn how to access, analyze, and apply the wealth of data stored in Matrix™, boosting your market knowledge and impressing your clients.

Date: Monday, April 24
Time: 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Location: Online
Cost: $29 + GST for CREB® Members and $49 + GST for non-members.


Follow-Up Like a Pro (Webinar)

Don’t hesitate to follow-up! Learn tested strategies for how to follow-up effectively, providing value and deepening relationships with leads and clients.

Date: Tuesday, April 25
Time: 10 a.m. to noon
Location: Online
Cost: $0


Hire, train and retain admin. support 

If you are an agent or team lead who plans to scale their business, then you will benefit from understanding how to hire excellent support staff and how to train and treat them so that your team can grow quickly and easily.

Date: Thursday, April 27
Time: 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Location: CREB®
Cost: $0


Check out more upcoming courses here.

For more information on upcoming courses, please contact


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